This is a piece I did near the end of my art school days. It is titled, "Our Lady of the Machinery" and was part of an ambitious graphic novel I wanted to do as an independent study with Barron Storey. I did this and about five pages. I was really into it in the beginning but had not written it out past a few pages and an outline. I was completely intimidated by the writing an filled with self doubt. After twenty years, it is one of the few pieces I can still look at on an occasional basis and remember the excitement of beginning a career in illustration.
I was at the Academy of Art in San Francisco. There were so many talented people at that school at that time. Tim Bower, David Ryan, Stewart Stanyard, Kim Frohsin, Julianne Colmenares, to name but a few. It was a special time and I was thoroughly intimidated by just about everyone and everything, while at the same time, hoping and thinking I might have good instincts and the "chops" to be an illustrator.