Sunday, May 13, 2007

Regarding the Steven Heller Podcasts, they can also be found on his website,

What really amazes me about Mr. Heller, is not that he has been an art director at the NY Times for so long and done such beautiful work, not that he is the co-chair of the design program at SVA, and not even that he has written over 100 books on graphic design and the visual arts. What amazes me is that he does all of these things, and took the time to email me regarding my interest in Robert Weaver, and aswer some questions I posted on an AIGA message board. How can someone do so many amazing things and still find the time to help a stranger? I can't say enough good things about Steven Heller.

If you want to read some well written, well researched and extremely informative books, go to his website and check some of his books out. Among my favorites are: "The Education of an Illustrator", "The Education of a Graphic Designer", "Inside the business of Illustration", and "The Education of a Comics' Artist". There are many more, but these are a few of the ones that I have extremely informative and helpful. Also worth noting, are his books on the history of design, and on typography.


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